Sunday, April 08, 2007

Giant German Easter Rabbit Eaten in North Korea [updtd 2010]

Yes, that's what I said:

Sydney Morning Herald: A German breeder of giant rabbits said Saturday that North Korea has canceled its invitation for him to visit the country to help breed the rabbits he sold to the North last year, saying he suspects they have already been eaten.

Karl Szmolinsky was scheduled to visit North Korea later this month after he sold 12 of the giant rabbits which weigh about 10kg each - around three times more than normal rabbits.

But an official from the North Korean Embassy in Berlin recently called Szmolinsky and told him of the cancellation, saying, "We can raise them ourselves so there's no need for the visit," according to the German breeder.

Calling the explanation "ambiguous," Szmolinsky said, "It seems like the rabbits have already been eaten. I will never sell to North Korea again."

Here, bunny bunny.

Giant Rabbit 2 on the giant bunnies. (2010)

And some almost completely unrelated extras:

• I will make them say "newsie."

• A woman who's had dozens of plastic surgeries to turn herself into Jessica Rabbit. (2010)

Snake eats kangaroo.

East German TV, 1957.

• And follow a young, tagged great white shark online as it swims the Pacific.


Anonymous said...

Hi Thom, were you in Israel in the mid 1980's? You look and sound familiar!!

Sara xx

LT said...

Holy crap.

Sara you had an apartment in Jerusalem - what was it? a section of an old tunnel? And ohnegads I think it was you who used a potato and stuck a hole in my ear.

Could this be possible?

You get back to me. The blogosphere may have done something strane today.

Unknown said...

do you sell any giant rabbits? e-mail me back at

Anonymous said...

Naja, ob das alles so richtig ist..

LT said...

Ob das alles so richtig ist...?

Whether the all so correct is..?

German is so weird. Ich kann nicht versatnden!

Anonymous said...

I must digg your post therefore other folks are able to see it, really helpful, I had a hard time finding the results searching on the web, thanks.

- Thomas